Steve Carlson!
Idag fick vi besked om vem som blir nästa gästartist på Conventet Jus In Bello i Italien nästa år, nämligen underbara Steve Carlson! Så glad jag blev över att få denna nyhet. En av mina favorit artister och nu börjar listan på de som jag helst av allt vill se på conventet bli komplett. Det är bara Jim Beaver och Christian Kane som jag också vill ha där för att inget ska kunna slå det. Jim är troligt att han skulle komma men Chris har inte varit på ett Supernatural Convention förrut vad jag vet så den chansen är väldigt liten men drömma kan jag alltid.

Jag ska få se Eric Kripke!
Ikväll fick jag chokerande men samtidigt helt underbara nyheter. Den senaste tillökningen på gästlistan till Supernatural conventet Jus In Bello 2 i Italien 8-10 april 2011 är nämligen skaparen och den allsmäktige Eric Kripke! De som är klara sen tidigare är Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, Richard Speight JR och Jason Manns som är gästartist och nu då även Eric. Längtar som fan efter att det ska bli april nu samtidigt som jag inte kan fatta att jag faktiskt ska få träffa dem! Vilket jag nog inte ens kommer fatta när jag sitter på flyget till Italien eller ens när jag står brevid dem... Men jäklar vilken helg det kommer bli!

Jus In Bello
Today I finally ordered the demon pass for the Supernatural Jus in Bello 2 Convention - 8/10 April 2011! I found out about this convention on Facebook about 2 weeks ago and when I saw that both Jensen, Jared and Misha was gonna be there and Jason Manns was gonna be one of the music guest, I said to myself that I have to go! We don't know if this' s gonna be the last season of Supernatural and who knows how long they're gonna arrange conventions like this. So when I saw both Jared and Jensen was on I thought now or never. This might be my only chance to see them in the flesh. And since it might be my only chance I'm not gonna go for the cheep things. When I finally am going I'm gonna make sure I get everything I can out of it. It's not like I'm going to any place close to home or near Sweden... No, I have to go to Italy! Just that makes me think I'm insane, my first time aborad or on a Supernatural Convention I go to Italy! Now when it's not only just a thought but now it's ordered and paid for I'm so nervous and excited I want to throw up.
I'm gonna go on my own since none of my friends can afford it. I'm just lucky I still have some money in my savingsaccount. So me, on my own, in ITALY, I'm not gonna understand a thing anyone's saying (don't matter if they're great at English in Italy, mine's gonna disappear like a ghost and I'm only gonna understand the words Jensen, Jared, Misha, Supernatural, Jason and 'I'm gonna die') and I'm going to a Supernatural convention!
But as some of my friends that knows I'm planing this has said: It's gonna be a big test for me. Never been abroad, never met anyone really famous, never flown, never really have had to speak English and never ever done anything like this on my own! It's like standing on a clif with a parachute on your back about to jump out for the first time. The only reson the parachute is mentioned is because I know this experience won't kill me. It might scare me but it won't kill me.
So much I'm doing for the first time and that I'm going to meet these guys upon all that... Just screams that I'm gonna make myself crazy until it's time. Know myself waaaay to well. So I'm gonna freak out about it at least once a week until april. But what a way to celebrate my 29th birthday! This con ends just 6 days before my birthday so I'm gonna celebrate in a very huge way it seems.
I'm gonna go on my own since none of my friends can afford it. I'm just lucky I still have some money in my savingsaccount. So me, on my own, in ITALY, I'm not gonna understand a thing anyone's saying (don't matter if they're great at English in Italy, mine's gonna disappear like a ghost and I'm only gonna understand the words Jensen, Jared, Misha, Supernatural, Jason and 'I'm gonna die') and I'm going to a Supernatural convention!
But as some of my friends that knows I'm planing this has said: It's gonna be a big test for me. Never been abroad, never met anyone really famous, never flown, never really have had to speak English and never ever done anything like this on my own! It's like standing on a clif with a parachute on your back about to jump out for the first time. The only reson the parachute is mentioned is because I know this experience won't kill me. It might scare me but it won't kill me.
So much I'm doing for the first time and that I'm going to meet these guys upon all that... Just screams that I'm gonna make myself crazy until it's time. Know myself waaaay to well. So I'm gonna freak out about it at least once a week until april. But what a way to celebrate my 29th birthday! This con ends just 6 days before my birthday so I'm gonna celebrate in a very huge way it seems.