Supernatural + Final = I've got a reason to cry
Come on.. seriously come on! It's just a tv-show, a TV-SHOW and I'm crying like a baby everytime I just think about Supernatural. No, it's not because of the reason I think many fans are crying today, about Jensen gettin' married, it's because I watched the season 5 final episode of the show and it had me totally heartbroken! I'm just saying it's awesome that we're gettin' a season 6 because if Supernatural had ended like that for good I would be heartbroken forever. In my head there's only one way it's allowed to end and it sure isn't like that! (Warning: kind of a spoiler!) The only end I want is Dean, Sam and the Impala against the world ridin' away into the sunset.
It's about 5 hours since I saw it and still everytime I think about it I beake down and cry... If that would have been the end for good I wouldn't have been able to handle it. I would be heartbroken forever. And this was the way Eric had planed for the show to end from the beginning! He really likes to torture me, that's for sure! The only thing that makes me keep goin' right now is to think "This isn't the end. We're gettin' another season. It'll not end like this" But just thinkin' about it makes the tears run. Damnit! It's not real! But then again. That just shows how good Jensen, Jared, Eric and the rest of the cast and crew of Supernatural really are. They make it feel real and it feels like you live in their world. They're my heart and soul.
Guess one other reason why I cry like this at about the final is because since they show is all about family and Dean and Sam, obviously, are brothers I somehow always thought about me and my sister in relation with them so with that ending it felt like that was how it was gonna be with me and my sister. I know, I'm an idjith but I've never said I wasn't ;)
Nothing can make me cry like the Winchester boys. I hardly ever cry and the movies and other tv-show episodes I've cried to are easily count. So when Jensen and Jared can make me cry almost every episode then they really have a gift.
And Eric Kripke, you're a brilliant bloody genius and I love you like crazy! I'm bowing down by your feet, worshiping you forever ♥
In all this rmlin' about all the crying I did because of this episode I forgot to say the most important part. This episode was absolutely fucking bloody awesome!!! Since I don't want to make any spoilers in case someone reads that havn't seen it I can't tell you more then that ;) So start watching Supernatural all you peolpe so you don't miss the awesomeness that's Supernatural ♥
"All this time
All this time with you
Really loved me
Despite my faults and you knew
And you're not coming back
I got a reason to cry"
All this time with you
Really loved me
Despite my faults and you knew
And you're not coming back
I got a reason to cry"
Just wish with all my beeing that the not coming back part gonna be destroed or I'm gonna start huntin' peolpe!
First time I've written in my blog in English but It had to be done because I wanted to have this as my status on facebook but of course it was to long but I wanted to keep it just like I wrote it. Maybe I should keep that up since I think it's so much easier to write in English than Swedish for some reason...